Quality ISH just backed 17.1hh 4 year old €16,500

Ride Ability(R4) (please view the scoring page for ride-ability for further details)

Quality big horse, 17.1hh 4 year old just broken and riding. Owner has had him as a foal and only reason for the sale as lack of time that he deserves and needs.

He has a lovely temperament and always very willing and brave.

Never been quirky, silly or strong an absolute pleasure of a horse.

Has shown good scope over a jump and will be very versatile when produced further on.

Good to catch, clip and for the farrier etc

Everything available to view and try if you can travel to the yard. Potential buyers need to WhatsApp us a video of their riding ability through to 00353879297498 a nd we can assess suitability.

Located in Co.Wicklow, Ireland. Worldwide shipping available please contact us for a quote.

Price €16,500 Euro or Β£14,105 Sterling equivalent on day of sale.



Quality ISH just backed 17.1hh 4 year old €16,500

Ride-Ability R4(Please view scoring page for ride-ability for further details)

Quality big horse, 17.1hh 4 year old just broken and riding. Owner has had him as a foal and only reason for the sale as lack of time that he deserves and needs.

He has a lovely temperament and always very willing and brave.

Never been quirky, silly or strong an absolute pleasure of a horse.

Has shown good scope over a jump and will be very versatile when produced further on.

Good to catch, clip and for the farrier etc

Everything available to view and try if you can travel to the yard. Potential buyers need to WhatsApp us a video of their riding ability through to 00353879297498 a nd we can assess suitability.

Located in Co.Wicklow, Ireland. Worldwide shipping available please contact us for a quote.

Price €16,500 Euro or Β£14,105 Sterling equivalent on day of sale.