
PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY TO YOUR YARD FROM IRELAND. Our Athea Lady is a 14.2hh skewbald 5 year old cob with a super disposition. Very, very quiet to handle and work around with absolutely no vices or lumps or bumps. Hacks out quietly on her own or in company. Nearly bombproof as she isn't spooky but she is still young so will have a look as she passes strange things when out and about. Still a bit green in the arena and works from your leg, but you will see from the video she is still running into her canter transitions at the moment, but her education will continue here until she is sold. Not a nappy pony and absolutely NO buck or rear or unpleasant behaviour. Lady would be ideal for a family pony as long as there was somebody in the family or an instructor with the knowledge to help continue her schooling. She hunted last year so is experienced in some situations and only wears a snaffle bit in all situations. Great to load, shoe and catch, a really 'cuddly' pony who loves attention and is so easy to deal with on a day to day basis. Loves to be groomed and fussed over and is a very pretty pony that has the potential to go on and make somebody very happy.

Out of stock


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5yr old



